by DMC | 10th Sep 2023 | Audio Editing, Filming, Scriptwriting, Sound Design, Video Editing, Voiceover
Upwork I have had an active Upwork profile since 2015, gaining 100% Job Success across over 100 contracts, earning Top Rated status in the process and an almost embarrassing number of testimonials and reviews! Check them all out here… Profile:...
by DMC | 8th Sep 2023 | Audio Editing, Filming, Scriptwriting, Sound Design, Video Editing, Voiceover
Sound Design From The Sofa The title is 100% accurate. It’s a 3-part tutorial series I created on behalf of Krotos Audio, who make incredible sound design plugins and I was very honoured to get to collaborate with! The idea is that with any reasonable laptop you...
by DMC | 8th Sep 2023 | Audio Editing, Scriptwriting, Sound Design, Video Editing, Voiceover
BCMC Global As the sole Content Creator for BCMC Global, on top creating public-facing videos for YouTube, I also created a series of training videos for new staff using the Simpleshow platform. I did all scripting, voicing and video production. This example is the...
by DMC | 10th Sep 2023 | Audio Editing, Scriptwriting, Video Editing, Voiceover
VMWare – WS1 Tutorials This is an example episode of a series of tutorial videos I created for VMWare staff, in association with UEM Authority. I was given unedited walkthrough screen capture videos from non-native speakers and was tasked with converting them...
by DMC | 11th Sep 2023 | Audio Editing, Sound Design, Video Editing
Chris Barton – Speaker Promo You know Shazam, the “what’s this song?” app? Well, it was co-founded by this guy, and he tasked me with editing together this video for promoting his entrepreneurship speaking engagements and thought-leadership...